Shifu’s Thoughts
Martial Arts and Life Related Quotes, Fables, and Perspectives
“A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn’t, will find an excuse.”
Jackie Chan
“Do not make excuses for those things we cannot do. If you want it badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
I’m not asking for a week, I’m not asking you for a month, I’m not even asking you for a year; Can you give me one more day?”
Jermaine Womack
“Whatever it is you are doing or working on, are you giving it your all? If I ask you to raise your hand, do you raise it partially or all the way up with your arm completely stretched out.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Life is like a pond, when the water is crashing and moving around, everything’s a blur. But when the water is still, everything becomes clear. The world is full of chaos and turmoil, these are things we cannot control. So calm your mind and find your inner peace, be like still water.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“One of the greatest pleasures in life is doing that which others say you’re unable to accomplish. Stay strong and prove them wrong.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Fear not the man that practices a thousand kicks, once. Fear the man that practices one kick a thousand times.”
Master Bruce Lee
“The five steps to mastering IT… 1) See and acknowledge IT exists. 2) Learn and understand IT. 3) Apply and practice IT repetitively. 4) Master the technique of IT without thought. 5) Let IT go… IT will hit all by itself.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz / Master Bruce lee
“Insecurities come from doubt over the fear of what others think of us. What we should be projecting is confidence; Confidence removes all doubt.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”
Master Bruce Lee
“Self-respect and honor is not given, it’s earned”.“Any task given comes with great responsibility. With responsibility comes self-respect and honor.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Do not pick and choose what stones you step on, or you may not reach the other side. Always learn everything you can, so in time you may pick and choose what works for you.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“There was this sculptor and he found a special stone. He dragged it home and worked on it for months until he finished it. When it was ready he showed it to his friends. They said he had created a great masterpiece, but the sculptor said he hadn’t created anything. The statue was always there; he just chipped away the rough pieces.”
Colonel Troutman
“You already have this great ability, I just need to chip away the rough pisces.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Notice the stiffest tree is easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”
Master Bruce Lee
“Be playable instead of rigid in your training so that you may be mobile.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Don’t be concerned with what was or what will be. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”
Master Oogway
“Live for the now.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“The path to learning martial arts is to embrace the journey, not the destination.” “A BlackBelt is just a white belt that never quit.”
The importance of form is not what you put into it, but what you can get out of it.”
Shifu Carlie Bucholz
“Giving up… It doesn’t matter how many times you fall. It matters how many times you get back up.”
Lilly Singh
“What the mind can perceive, the heart can believe, the body can achieve.”
Bud Fox
“Don’t get in your own way about your objective.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“How you train is how it will come out.”
David James
“Those that say they can’t never will; those that say they can…Do.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Do, or do not, there is no try.”
Master Yoda
“Failure is only temporary. Quitting makes it permanent.”
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
Master Bruce Lee
“There is no finish line. When you reach one goal, find a new one.”
Chuck Norris
“If a man dwells on the past, then he robs the present. But if a man ignores the past, he may rob the future.”
Master Po
“Bad habits are those things we choose not to change. Make good habits instead.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Pride is a poor substitute for intelligence and can override your discipline.”
WARNING: “When stopping anything that you’re passionate about and the fire goes out, it’s nearly impossible to get it lit again.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Keep moving forward.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Best for last.”
Shifu Charlie Bucholz
“Change is good.”
Gene Simons
“Kung fu is about self-discipline and self discovery. Kung fu does not reside in the fists, it resides in the soul.”
Wong Jack Man
“Always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
A. Milne
“Mistakes can be corrected as long as there is effort and a willingness to learn. What you choose to do next will define who you are. True change comes within.”
Keanu Reeves
“A martial artist has to take responsibility for himself… and accept the consequences of his own doing.”
Master Bruce Lee
Location Note :
When you enter the Sunrize parking lot, We are not in the square…We are located in the far north/west area, around the corner of the eyeglass place and behind the animal hospital.
Google shows us as a animal feed, store but we are not there .